Missy Barrett's Adventures

The amazing adventures of a fictional child

They Sure Have Heart!

Just like Ravn Alaska is way up north in Alaska, Southwest Airlines has their Head Office in Dallas, and that’s in Texas.  I was so excited when they sent me a letter saying that they heard I went flying in a 1927 Waco Straight Wing biplane.  But you know what?  My one grandpa told me this great story about Southwest Airlines.  He said it was just a story (that means it’s not true) but it’s still a great story.

He said that a long time ago, people said that Southwest Airlines got thought up on a paper napkin and that the idea was a triangle with three dots.  Each dot was for a different city in Texas: San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston.  And then the people with the napkin said, “Hey, that would be a really good idea to have a airline doing napkin flying.”  Well, I don’t know if that’s exactly what grandpa said they said but that’s kind of what I remember mostly what he said so that’s close enough.

Anyway, it’s a story but it’s a great story, and it makes me think that everybody at Southwest Airlines probably is a whole lot of fun like whoever made up that story.  Here’s what I know that’s true about Southwest Airlines: They wrote me a letter!


I’m going to ask my mom if she can get us to go on a trip on Southwest Airlines so I can look in the cockpit and see if they have a lady pilot.  If they do, I’m going to ask if the airplane welcomer person can take a picture of me with the pilot.

I especially like the part of their letter that says they take kids to visit their grandparents.  I’m really lucky because my grandparents don’t live so far away from me, so I don’t have to take a airplane to go see them.  But if I did have to go a long way to see them, Southwest Airlines would take me there and I wouldn’t have to worry because they are superly friendly.

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